Exhibitions > Companions

the Bottle is for Drinking
the Bottle is for Drinking

Riverside Art Center
Opening September 8th, 2024
Exhibitions runs 9/8/24 - 10/12/24
Riverside Art Center

Solo exhibition at the Riverside Art Center opening on Sunday September 8th. My exhibition is called Companions and will feature new paintings and rugs hung side by side in the Flex Space Gallery.

Companions continues my investigations into tension between abstraction and representation.

To create this current work it helps to travel outside my home. Home is wonderful and should be explored but there is an excitement and a bit of wonder that comes from leaving your known. I am always noticing details and visually studying the world around me, translating spaces, and experiences that were in and are in public view. I make this work from sketches in the studio and at times using memory and feelings to recreate the space as well.

A few years ago I started making rugs in addition to my paintings and started to notice that I would tuft and paint different versions of the same story. These pairings became companions. Two pieces connected together through feeling and emotion.